Juergen Graf on Holocaust "Revisionism" and its Political Consequences
From my soon-to-be-published-incomplete article, Juergen Graf on Holocaust "Revisionism" and its Political Consequences, as a response to Holocaust Revisionism and its Political Consequences.
...Graf continues:
We see the typical antisemitic attitude. The media is “Jewish-run”. Well then, by that absurd logic, shouldn’t I be able to own a part of the media if I convert to Judaism? It should also be noted that Graf writes “the Jews”, as if all Jews were some organized group. This wasn’t very smart of Graf to do. He exposed his prejudices.
...Graf continues:
For example, numerous witnesses claimed that at Auschwitz it took 20 minutes to incinerate three corpses in a crematorium muffle. Even in modern crematoria, it takes about one hour to burn one corpse, and as we know from the documents, the same thing applied to the German wartime crematoria.
There are many erroneous assumptions in this.
First of all, modern crematoria, for obvious reasons, cannot be compared to the Topf und Sohne crematoria used at Auschwitz.
Second of all, in Auschwitz, there was no need to wait until the corpses were fully cremated. In the last 20 minutes of the cremation process of a body, there is only a small quantity of body material left in the cremator, roughly the size of a rugby football. Thus, a body could have been added before the previous one was fully cremated. Indeed, the instructions for the Topf double muffle furnace state that this may be done. Furthermore, there is evidence that this was done.
Graf then makes several absurd assumptions:
As the witnesses could not possibly have invented the same absurdities independently of each other, it was obvious that they had either been instructed to lie (many of them testified before Polish, British and American kangaroo courts, which had been entrusted with the task to "prove" the existence of the homicidal gas chambers), or that one witness had simply parroted what he had heard from another one or read in a book. As virtually all of the eyewitnesses were former Jewish concentration camp inmates, they were keen on taking revenge upon the Germans who had deprived them of their liberty and gladly told all sort of wild atrocity tales to ruin the reputation of the German nation for decades, if not for centuries.
First of all, Graf does not present even a scrap of evidence for any of his notions, i.e., that the witnesses were instructed to lie, that former Jewish concentration camp inmates “gladly told all sort of wild atrocity tales to ruin the reputation of the German nation for decades, if not for centuries”, or that the witnesses were repeating hearsay. Are we just supposed to take Graf’s word for it?
Second of all, calling a variety of courts “kangaroo courts” is simply not an argument. If Graf does not have evidence for his assertions, then he should not make the assertions in the first place.
Graf writes:
Although my existence has become perilous and precarious, it is now more interesting and more meaningful than ever before as I know that I am fighting against something fundamentally evil.
So, if I get this straight, then Graf is claiming to fight some horrible, evil conspiracy that supposedly created the Holocaust for which there is not the slightest evidence for! If Graf is claiming to fight something evil, he should at least provide proof that it exists in the first place.
Graf continues:Having ascertained that the Jewish extermination and homicidal gas chamber story is but a monstrous hoax…
A hoax implies hoaxers. Can Graf provide any evidence even for the existence of these hoaxers? How about some of their names? Anything?
We then get a hint of how Graf thinks of Jews:
The holocaust is but the most extreme case of the lies the Jewish-run media are continuously poisoning the world with. A very significant example is the vicious propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Jews and their stooges bitterly hate Iran because that country has dared to challenge the political, military and cultural imperialism of the world's only remaining superpower, the Zionist-led USA.
We see the typical antisemitic attitude. The media is “Jewish-run”. Well then, by that absurd logic, shouldn’t I be able to own a part of the media if I convert to Judaism? It should also be noted that Graf writes “the Jews”, as if all Jews were some organized group. This wasn’t very smart of Graf to do. He exposed his prejudices.
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