Sunday, February 18, 2007


I love it when deniers argue that the Dresden death toll is in ther hundreds of thousands.

As I am a member of the RODOH Holocaust discussion forum, I see a lot of emotional but not logistical whining from Wilfried Heink, known there as 'neugriegig' about the bombing of Dresden, since he was there to witness it and has Nazi sympathies.

But anyway, let's just glance over this topic.

Ernst Zundel claimed that (see

"It is estimated by some that as many as 350,000 - 600,000 victims were incinerated beyond being identifiable or even recognizable as human remains in that Holocaust."

Okay, first of all, the number of victims 'incinerated beyond being identifiable' is ridiculous. There is absolutely no evidence to support this claim. Second of all, at the temperatures reached at Dresden (as high as 1600 Farenheit), a victim cannot be turned into particles so small that they cannot be identifiable.

The ridiculous death tolls are based on the forged version of the tB 47 report. F-O-R-G-E-D. The UNFORGED version of the report coincides with the reasonable death toll which is roughly 25,000-35,000 dead.

Many deniers knowingly use the forged version of the TB 47 report.

Also, it is possible, using "revisionist' methods, to disprove the Allied bombing of Dresden. I read on a ''revisionist' website that bombers destroyed anything that moved. How then, did people manage to survive? Also, if the bombings where allegedly so severe that it created a firestorm, how come so many survived? The numbers vary so much!

It is obvious that the bombing of Dresden is a despicable hoax.

Just joking. :-)

More on this later.


Blogger rodohcodohwatchwatch said...

"Second of all, at the temperatures reached at Dresden (as high as 1600 Farenheit), a victim cannot be turned into particles so small that they cannot be identifiable."

Apparantly they can. If you talk to Dr Andrew Mathis he will claim that his cousin was lost in the WTC in 2001 and furthermore no traces of his cousin were recovered.

The thought that his cousin might have been taking advantage of the commotion to escape from Family Mathis appears not to have occured to him.

Anyway apparantly bodies can burn up in these situations without leaving remains. At least when Arabs are involved.

4:27 AM  
Blogger 104839sobe104839 said...

Can you show me were Andrew said this? and don't quote out of context please.

2:39 PM  

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